Kerbside and Bulky Waste Audits
SSROC has been coordinating waste audits of kerbside services for its member councils since 1999, with eight audits completed since then providing our region with one of the best longitudinal household waste data sets in NSW, possibly Australia.
The audits provide councils with an analysis of waste streams, providing very valuable information for a range of council operational and service planning purposes. Waste audits cover regular residual, recycling and green waste streams, with some councils also auditing high rise buildings. The audits of red, yellow and green lidded bins helps councils identify trends in contamination in the recycling stream and organics streams, the type and volume of hazardous materials like batteries and where further education is needed to recover more materials.
In 2023, eight SSROC councils also audited the bulky waste stream for the second time providing valuable data on the types of materials households throw out in council clean up collections such as furniture, wood, whitegoods, textiles and other materials. This audit helps inform SSROC’s advocacy on common materials disposed of by households that need a dedicated product stewardship schemes so that they can be recovered for reuse or recycling.