SSROC Executive & Staff

Each year at the Annual General Meeting, the Delegates elect to fill the Executive positions of President, Senior Vice President and Junior Vice President.

Our Executive

The three members of the SSROC Executive are elected each year by the Board at the Annual General Meeting. The President chairs the quarterly Board meetings, carries out any representative duties, and in consultation with the other Executive members, makes policy decisions between meetings.

The Senior and Junior Vice Presidents deputise for the President when required, chair the SSROC Committees and participate in Executive decision-making.

Councillor John Faker

Mayor of Burwood Council

Councillor Christina Curry

Senior Vice President
Councillor of Bayside Council

Councillor Susan Wynne (Woollahra)

Junior Vice President
Councillor of Woollahra Council

Our Staff

Helen Sloan

Chief Executive Officer

The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for all the work of SSROC and for its effective operation, providing advice, leadership, and organisational management and ensures the delivery of the workplan. She manages major issues and oversees projects relating to structure, management, infrastructure and inter-regional programs, and is responsible for all negotiations with the State and Federal Governments and Ministers.

Dr Vincent Ogu

Program Manager

Cathy Dizon

Strategic Procurement and Contracts Manager

Natasha Anderson

Office Manager

Roger Bramble

Strategic Procurement Projects Officer

Mark Nutting

Strategic Planning Manager

Kate Hannan

Communications and Government Affairs Lead

Colleen Stretton

Executive Assistant

Jacqueline Spencer

Procurement Administration Officer

Helen Roth

Strategic Regional Business Liaison Officer

EPA Funded Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Staff

Annie Walker

Senior Coordinator, Circular Economy

David Kuhn

Senior Coordinator, Circular Economy

Committees and Working Groups

SSROC’s Team coordinates the officer working groups, prepares reports and submissions for consideration by the Board, and develops and manages regional programs.


Under its constitution, SSROC can appoint any number of Committees in connection with any of its work, activity or objects, and can appoint any suitable person to a Committee.


Working groups of council officers work with the staff team to develop and implement

SSROC programs. The groups are a key component of the success of SSROC, and

they are periodically reviewed by the Chief Executive Officers and General Managers to ensure that they continue to reflect councils’ needs and priorities.

The current working groups are:

• Sustainability and Environment

• Smart Communities

• Strategic Planning

• Strategic Procurement

• Waste and Resource Recovery Network

• Waste Strategy 

Each year SSROC develops a workplan which identifies the focus for the coming year.  Working groups of staff from member councils are formed to undertake projects to address issues and problems of common concern.  Members of working  groups may share professional disciplines, or they may bring together different disciplines with a common interest. By working together, council staff share knowledge, expertise and the workload.

If a council officer would like to participate in one of the working groups below, please obtain the approval of your manager and then get in touch with the SSROC Secretariat on