Reports & Submissions

  • 2021
  • Submissions
  • Uncategorised

16 December 2021 – submission to DAWE on Minister’s Product Stewardship Priority List Nominations

  • 2021
  • Infrastructure
  • Planning and Development
  • Services
  • Submissions

10 December 2021 – submission to IPART on review of Essential Works List, Nexus, Efficient Design & Benchmark Costs for Local Infrastructure

  • 2021
  • Energy
  • Services
  • Submissions

30 November 2021 – submission to Australian Energy Regulatory on the Framework & Approach Consultation

  • 2021
  • Energy
  • Services
  • Submissions

28 October 2021 – submission to Australian Energy Market Commission Review of the Regulatory Framework for Metering Services

  • 2021
  • Reports
  • Waste & recycling

Textiles Action Plan for Sydney Councils

  • 2021
  • Infrastructure
  • Planning and Development
  • Submissions

1 October 2021 – letter to Ms Kiersten Fishburn, Coordinator, General Planning Delivery & Local Government, Department of Planning, Industry & Environment, on proposed reforms of Infrastructure Contributions

  • 2021
  • Energy
  • Services
  • Submissions

30 September 2021 – submission to Head of Regulation, Customer & Strategy, Ausgrid, on NSW/ACTTAS/NT Electricity Distribution Cosultation Paper 1: Service Classification

  • 2021
  • Infrastructure
  • Planning and Development
  • Submissions

10 September 2021 – letter to The Hon Rob Stokes MP, Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, on proposed reforms of Infrastructure Contributions

  • 2021
  • Planning and Development
  • Submissions
  • Uncategorised

9 September 2021 – submission to Housing Policy Team, Department of Planning, Industry & Environment, on the proposed Housing SEPP

  • 2021
  • Infrastructure
  • Planning and Development
  • Submissions

25 August 2021 – letter to Mr Paul Scully MP, Shadow Minister for Planning & Public Spaces, on Environmental Planning & Assessment Amendment (Infrastructure Contributions) Bill