
Suspendisse arcu purus, cursus placerat ullamcorper blandit, mattis non neque. Cras augue odio, volutpat nec sem faucibus, volutpat sagittis ex. Duis eget convallis ex. Proin auctor porta lobortis. Curabitur vitae nisl ante. Sed non nunc velit. Fusce sed vestibulum nulla. Cras pretium odio a urna venenatis, tincidunt cursus tellus vehicula. Praesent lectus turpis, pharetra ut suscipit egestas, elementum vitae erat. Fusce non augue molestie libero varius viverra. Sed mattis ligula ut dignissim fermentum. Morbi iaculis fringilla sodales. Donec laoreet fringilla rhoncus. Nulla elementum ultricies odio, nec bibendum nibh sagittis sed. Curabitur fringilla nisi vel tincidunt malesuada. In vel libero efficitur, volutpat libero at, bibendum justo.

  • Submissions
  • Waste & recycling

Submission to NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) on the issues paper cleaning up our act – the future for waste and recycling in NSW – 15 May 2020

  • Environment
  • Submissions

Submission on the review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act – 17 April 2020

  • Council
  • Submissions

Submission letter to the Prime Minister in relation to financial assistance for NSW Councils as a result of COVID-19 – 3 April 2020

  • Council
  • Submissions

Submission letter to Premier of NSW relating to financial assistance for NSW Councils as a result of COVID-19 – 3 April 2020

  • Planning and Development
  • Submissions

Submission to Department of Planning, Industry and Environment providing feedback on the affordable housing viability tool – 1 April 2020

  • Planning and Development
  • Submissions

Submission letter to Department of Planning, Industry and Environment on local character areas and the low-rise medium density code – 27 March 2020

  • Submissions
  • Uncategorised

Submission to Office of Local Government providing feedback to the review of the Impounding Act 1993 – 27 March 2020

  • Council
  • Submissions

Submission letter to the Minister for Local Government with a request to delay the 2020 LG elections and Minister’s reply – 23 March 2020

  • Environment
  • Infrastructure
  • Roads and Transport
  • Services
  • Submissions

Submission to Sydney Airport on the Sydney Gateway Road Project draft major development plan – 25 February 2020

  • Submissions

Submission to Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation on flammable dwellings – 19 February 2020