Resilient Sydney’s Diverse and Affordable and Diverse Housing Project
The 100 Resilient Cities Initiative has long recognised that affordable housing is a foundation of successful communities and placemaking for our global cities. All 33 Sydney Councils are active members of Resilient Sydney, with the City of Sydney facilitating.
CEOs, General Managers, and their delegates met in April 2021 to discuss council-instigated affordable housing projects, participants agreed to continue to work together on common issues and share learnings with the aim of delivering local affordable rental housing projects. The forum established a steering committee of senior council officers, representatives of Resilient Sydney, SSROC Secretariat, the Greater Sydney Commission and the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE).
The steering committee developed a work plan built on three critical work areas identified by the forum participants:
- improved data;
- engaging the planning system;
- demonstrating new models for the provision of affordable rental housing.
The aim of the project is to help councils collaborate across metropolitan Sydney to deliver diverse affordable rental housing. The Secretariat is coordinating the project, with the support of WSROC, NSROC and the Western Parkland Councils.