
Reports Business Papers Submissions
  • Infrastructure
  • Planning and Development
  • Submissions

Letter to Minister for Planning & Public Spaces re Local Character – 20 October 2020

  • Planning and Development
  • Submissions

Submission to the NSW Productivity Commissioner on the review of infrastructure contributions in NSW – 12 August 2020

  • Planning and Development
  • Submissions

Submission to Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) on the Discussion Paper – A Housing Strategy for NSW – 31 July 2020

  • Environment
  • Submissions

Submission on the Inquiry into the problem of feral and domestic cats in Australia – 29 July 2020

  • Planning and Development
  • Submissions

Submission to Department of Planning, Industry and Environment on the improving the review of local infrastructure contributions plans – discussion paper (Section 7.11) – 26 June 2020

  • Submissions

Submission to Department of Planning, Industry and Environment on the discussion paper criteria to request a higher s7.12 percentage – 26 June 2020

  • Reports
  • Submissions

Submission to Department of Planning, Industry and Environment on the proposed amendments to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 – 25 June 2020

  • Submissions

Submission to Department of Planning, Industry and Environment on the draft planning agreements policy framework – 26 June 2020

  • Environment
  • Submissions

Submission to Department of Planning, Industry and Environment on the draft special infrastructure contributions (SIC) guidelines – 26 June 2020

  • Planning and Development
  • Submissions

Letter to Secretary, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) on the low rise medium density housing code and local character areas – 5 June 2020