Regional Waste & Resource Recovery

Woodlawn EcoPrecinct Waste Facility

On behalf of (then) 8 member councils, SSROC managed the procurement of a residual waste processing service which resulted in the delivery of the waste treatment facility at Woodlawn EcoPrecinct and a supporting transfer station at Banksmeadow providing a rail link between Sydney and Crisps Creek, south of Goulburn. In 2008, the councils started out […]

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Kerbside and Bulky Waste Audits

SSROC has been coordinating waste audits of kerbside services for its member councils since 1999, with eight audits completed since then providing our region with one of the best longitudinal household waste data sets in NSW, possibly Australia.  The audits provide councils with an analysis of waste streams, providing very valuable information for a range of council […]

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Embedding Sustainable Procurement

This project developed and distributed to member councils, tools and other resources to integrate in existing training programs to embed sustainability in procurement. These tools and resources include: e-learning modules, sustainable procurement checklist, training sessions and case studies.  See links below: Case studies of international and domestic examples of sustainable procurement Sustainable Procurement Checklist Sustainable Procurement Resources […]

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Textiles Action Plan for Sydney

In 2020- 2021, Sydney ROCs and their member councils collaborated on a Textiles Action Plan for Sydney councils which outlines focus areas and targets to work towards to reduce textile waste in council operations and community services.  SSROC is continuing to work on textiles initiatives with Sydney councils, ROCs and the NSW EPA including: […]

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Procure Recycled: Paving the Way (Rubber)

Building on the successful Paving the Way (Glass) procurement, the next phase seeks to establish the true net present value of asphalt with crumb rubber, including improved performance, extended asset life, increased material efficiency, and carbon emissions reduction, while driving a local end market for end-of-life car and truck tyres. Tyre Stewardship Australia (TSA) has […]

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